Strategy consulting

Our concrete help to take the right steps towards realising your dream.

Your business choices are what make the difference, and that’s why they need to be supported as well as possible by the right operational strategy. At Amajor, business strategy consulting aims to help the entrepreneur in a concrete way, based on the results obtained from the indispensable analyses, working alongside them to take forward with ever increasing strength and conviction the ideas and decisions that steer the company. And to rediscover that amazing raison d’être behind the business, that led to its creation and will allow it to fly once more.

What are the benefits?

We design the right strategy consulting to suit you,
your business and your objectives.

About business strategy consulting

The aim of Amajor’s strategy consulting, based on the analysis itself, is to become an effective aid for your business and management choices.

It involves activities performed with the staff with a view to helping the entrepreneur in a concrete way, supporting them with information, data and techniques to enable them to develop their business strategically with greater awareness.

Amajor accompanies top management and entrepreneurs along a path aimed at identifying the most effective and appropriate solutions for their own specific circumstances. Business strategy consulting involves studying all the choices that an administrator must make in order to improve the business.

Strategy consultants will help you outline a strategy to enable you to develop your business and to:

  • draw up a clear and defined organisation chart, required in order to truly implement the expansion plan, and obtain an accurate definition of the business roles, as well as understanding who is the right person for the right post;
  • obtain greater results, both in terms of turnover and margins, even during the most difficult periods that may seem impossible to come through;
  • strengthen your brand’s position on the market;
  • adopt clear strategies for developing new products and services to take to the market and increase income;
  • analyse the readiness for internationalisation and draft a strategy for exporting the quality of the offer to other countries, by means of an organisation chart capable of helping you fulfil your entrepreneurial dream;
  • choose and give clear priority, through an effective expansion plan, to the investments required to improve business efficiency or the quality and innovation of the product;
  • identify the TRUE, FUNDAMENTAL distinguishing characteristics of your business and the competitive advantages that enable you to stand out from the real competition and to gain credibility and authority in the eyes of your clients;
  • set the foundations for strategic and financial plans in line with the desired development, to promote growth and maximise all results (profits, finance, etc.);
  • evaluate the climate within the organisation and enhance the value of human resources within the company, enabling you to:
    • get renewed enthusiasm from people in implementing the expansion plan;
    • establish what is stalling the growth plan and results;
    • increase the overall efficiency of the business and the individual departments, whether they’re productive or not;
    • accelerate development and results in the implementation of expansion and internationalisation plans.
Helping you to understand for yourself, with full awareness, what your deepest goal is, and working alongside you to achieve it with the best strategy. – Amajor

How we deliver business strategy consulting

Every business is a unique organism, with its own characteristics and its own needs. This is why our consultancy strategies are highly customised, always strictly in line with your objectives and your particular requirements. Our analytics tools and management training are designed specifically to support you throughout this journey, for measurable and guaranteed results.

What benefits it can bring to your business

With our strategy consulting, you will gain huge awareness of your organisation, right from the perspective of the people within it to understanding what the obstacles are that are preventing it from growing properly, making it possible to form a clear operational strategy. Thanks to strategy consulting, you can:
  • resolve administrative and business issues quickly and effectively, due to a greater sense of collaboration, communication and cohesion between individuals, as well as a greater responsibility and clarity of roles;
  • improve business efficiency;
  • create a strong and cohesive management team to work together towards a common goal;
  • plan guaranteed and long-lasting business development based on a system of expansion underpinned by the values, the mission and the vision of top management;
  • fulfil the business dream, expressed in the Vision, through carefully considered choices;
  • increase profit margins and profits;
  • develop new products and services to add to your portfolio;
  • improve your reliability and credibility in the eyes of your clients and investors;
  • understand how to expand in the market internationally, identifying those who can help you fulfil your dream.

Consulting relates to every phase of the business, from how the company is structured to how you deal with clients. Amajor consultants will help you make valid choices in terms of organisation, HR, sales and commercial development. We help you understand where you want to take your company and how to get there. We are the most faithful allies of executive teams.

Fulfil your entrepreneurial dream with Amajor’s strategy consulting!