Business Analytics with the Amajor method

People-focus as a critical component for growing your business

Our business analytics procedures provide an objective basis to define the limits and potential of your business. The results wil give you a clear indication of the changes and growth your business needs to undergo in order to reach your goals.

If balance is a company’s true strength, human resources are the engine driving its growth.

We create the tools and awareness companies need to truly thrive, based on their most defining features: the people behind the brand and the values at its core.

We do this using a vital tool, the beating heart of all our analysis and consulting procedures: the Amajor questionnaire, your first crucial step to ensuring solid, durable growth for your business .

Making our method different is the key. The passion, the desire, the strength, the purpose we invest in ensuring that people achieve their goals. – Amajor​

Do you want to find out what analysis would be right for you?

About business analytics

Business analytics identifies the key points for improvement, those misalignments we need to work on to turn them into solutions and concrete and measurable development plans. The result is a growth plan that will lead you to achieve your entrepreneurial dream. It all starts with the analysis of our questionnaires, scientific tools designed to provide an objective basis for planning every subsequent action for growth. The difference in our approach lies in its concreteness: every aspect is measured using specific performance indices, enabling us to tangibly verify the results of the strategy embarked upon with us and to optimise them on a case-by-case basis. The analysis enables us to give you a new perception of your business, to take a thorough look, to understand all the mechanisms of the company viewed in its entirety as the combination of all the people within it. This is how we can identify everything that is slowing it down, all the potential yet to be expressed, to be drawn out via a specific strategy.

But there's a crucial step to complete first: the Amajor questionnaire

The entrepreneur questionnaire forms the basis of all our analysis, enabling us to lay the foundations for improving your business.

How we perform a company analysis

At Amajor, there are no set packages, but custom strategies, each created according to the needs of your business.

Our strength is our capacity for extremely concrete analysis, which allows us to create a business development plan with guaranteed, long-lasting results. Because even your entrepreneurial dream can – and should – be planned concretely!

It’s our innovative approach, based on a thorough examination of the information gathered using accurate tools, that will lead us to identify the most suitable solutions and strategies for improving your business and helping it evolve.

In line with the business needs identified, we’ve devised various paths of analysis, designed specifically for the purpose of helping the entrepreneur to gain a greater awareness of the nature of their business and a full understanding of the potential within it; to see with new eyes the obstacles and complexities, in order to implement the right strategy for improvement.

Find out which management option works best for your business. Get in touch