The Amajor school of excellence

High-level training for successful entrepreneurs and managers.

These days, as an entrepreneur and manager, you are increasingly required to deal with a highly pressured environment and have abilities that were not required a few years ago.

Due to this general pressure, you are put under significant stress that would have previously been unthinkable, and which you are not always adequately prepared for and find difficult to manage. In today’s market, it’s crucial to ensure that your organisation remains sound, and to become its example of stability.

Until now, the development of a manager has only been referred to in the technical sense, and this has long taken precedence over the development of acquiring important skills in terms of people management. Now, it has finally become clear that to achieve great objectives, technical training is indeed necessary but is not enough in itself; what really matters is the ability to effectively manage your relationships with your colleagues and employees, to know how to motivate them, inspire them and actively engage them.

This is the methodical revolution taking place at Amajor’s Accademia RMA!

Shall we plan your development path?

People at the heart

The path always starts with the people, the true driving force capable of evolving your company if correctly managed, or of impeding it if there is no clear and transparent understanding of the potential of each member of the team.

As an entrepreneur, you can only make a difference and overcome the market challenges once you’ve acquired the ability to read your company differently, placing its people at the heart and rediscovering the values, the glue that leads the individual as a person, rather than the entrepreneur, manager or colleague, to truly feel in harmony with themselves, to unleash their full potential. This fundamental step will enable you to breathe life into the right strategy and plan how to achieve the business objectives with greater competence and awareness.

At Amajor, we make all of this possible thanks to innovative methods and tools, and to specific technologies to help you both read your company and develop individuals first and foremost, in a correct and focused way, followed by the group as a whole. This is the only way to create that cohesion and harmony required to achieve your goals, including the most ambitious.

The method

The path at our Academy is developed through a very special methodology:


A customised path by means of the Amajor questionnaire for establishing an individual’s potential

This tool enables us to measure to what extent and how the person is moving within the environment, identifying in particular their hidden potential.

It is particularly useful to us in understanding how well prepared they are in management terms and in terms of their approach towards the role they are currently performing or the one they are expected to perform in the future.


Individual interview aimed at understanding people’s views

During the interview we will delve deep into the person’s ideas, the thoughts that are guiding them in the choices and difficulties encountered throughout their working day. Their positive aspects, on which the business should be based, are brought to the fore, but any problematic issues that may stand in the way are also identified and explained, with some very simple suggestions for improvement. This is an effective way of gaining a clear picture of the aspects for the purpose of the analysis, also understanding the main obstacles relating to communication processes.


Creating a specific study plan

By cross-referencing the results from the Amajor test and the interview, we can plan, together with the candidate, their customised development path. A path that will enable them to obtain surprising and measurable results, instantly.

Study methodologies

The study methods vary according to the purpose of the training.

For the theoretical part, we use a method designed to help you reach a full understanding, using simple terms and concrete examples.

The true strength lies in observing what is being studied and at the same time relating it to practical exercises, to ensure that connections are made unaided with what has already occurred in the past and consequently with how much you want to improve. Post-study reflection will lead you to connect the various experiences and view them from different perspectives: this is how you will make the subject studied your own.

Meanwhile, the practical class will enable you to hone your skills in the various case studies, in pairs, so that the concept is no longer theoretical but becomes a new habit, a real action.

By analysing experiences, mistakes become a tool for your personal improvement, and no longer merely a source of guilt, with the risk of being repeated in other areas. This experiential method is the strongest and most incisive, as you will be the one to learn from the experiences, by rediscovering yourself.


Not just training in the classroom!

The classroom at our Academy is a set of people who want to improve. Everyone follows their own development path, with qualified instructors at hand to help them achieve results in a friendly and stimulating environment.

The development path is truly individual, relating to the inner self and to thought, but it’s also technical. Everyone follows their own timelines and succeeds in their own achievements and objectives.

Help, warmth, irony and fun create the right atmosphere to adopt the correct approach to observing situations that can sometimes be extremely complex but are made simple by the method and the environment itself.


There are essentially two types of result:

Depending on the path undertaken, you will acquire new techniques for managing and guiding people and for getting results. At the same time, you will also gain a new understanding of what you are required to do as a key to change, improving your effectiveness.

Planning your path properly from the outset will enable you to personally assess the new level you will reach.

Find out more about Amajor’s Accademia RMA! Contact us